The Three’s Room
The children embrace a large construction area which enables them to explore open-ended construction and small-world experiences. This may involve the building of dens, or realistic Dinosaur Kingdom which enables them to build on their imaginative skills.
The introduction of a free-flow snack within a realistic Home Corner environment allows the children to choose when, within a time frame, they would like their twice-per-day snack. We find this is a nice social time, which encourages conversation about interests and our day, as the children sit together.
The children are encouraged to make healthy choices about the foods they eat. In addition, they also develop their confidence in pouring their own drinks, in preparation for school.
Baby Room
3 months – 2 years- £292.50Full Week
- £65.00Full Day
- £42.00Half Day (5 Hours)
2 and 3 Room
2 – 3 years- £292.50Full Week
- £65.00Full Day
- £42.00Half Day (5 Hours)
3 – 4 years- £292.50Full Week
- £65.00Full Day
- £42.00Half Day (5 Hours)