Smart Kids Childcare has been officially accredited as a Sun Safe setting, by the Sun Safe Schools Accreditation Scheme. In this capacity, Smart Kids will raise awareness with children, parents and staff about how to stay safe during periods of sunny weather using appropriate clothing, and suitable
A very happy Valentine’s Day from everyone at Smart Kids! To celebrate, the children have been enjoying some deliciously fresh, home-made cupcakes with red berries for their lunchtime dessert! The children all loved them – you can see just how much in our tasty gallery of pictures!
Smart Kids will be opening its doors on Saturday 9th March 2019 for an Open Day packed with fun! Between 10.30am and 2.30pm, there will be fun activities taking place throughout our rooms, allowing parents and children to sample the daily life at Smart Kids.
Well done to our dedicated team who gave up their Saturday to attend the #Ofsted Big Conversation in Bolton. It helps them to keep refreshed, up to date and enhance the already Outstanding provision which we provide at Smart Kids!
Smart Kids will be opening its doors on Saturday 9th June 2018 for an Open Day packed with fun! Between 10.30am and 2.30pm, there will be fun activities taking place throughout our rooms, allowing parents and children to sample the daily life at Smart Kids.
There was a fantastic turnout on the morning of Sunday 29th April, as Smart Kids raised money for Save the Children UK with Peppa Pig’s Muddle Puddle Walk around the Japanese Gardens of Avenham Park in Preston.
Smart Kids invite all nursery children and parents, along with all friends and family, to join them as they take part in Peppa Pig’s Muddy Puddle Walk in aid of Save the Children UK. Smart Kids children will be searching for Peppa Pig as well as her family and friends, in the Japanese Garden w