Smart Kids is supported by a series of strategic partners which allows us to not only follow guidance from the EYFS but provide our children with additional interests and extra-curricular activities.
(additional cost)
Our 0-3’s rooms have the pleasure of taking part in Bambin classes – imaginative classes in which children take part in interactive and exciting sessions, specifically for their age group.
Delivered by the Petite Acting Academy, classes use movement, imaginitive play, music and song along with a wide range of props.
Each class follows a different theme, exploring the weather, animals, our senses and many more.
Baking regularly takes place within the whole nursery, allowing the children to develop mathematical and sequencing concepts in an exciting way. This also encourages activities that they may undertake at home, and of course we enjoy the end result!
Drama (additional cost)
Pre-School children participate in a weekly drama session led by the Petite Acting Academy. Using music, action, songs, puppets, and movement, our budding actors and actresses build confidence and self-esteem in a safe and fun environment.
At the conclusion of the Summer and Autumn terms, children take part in a production, each having their own special and unique role to showcase their newly-developed skills.
(additional cost)
Pre-School children are able to participate in a structured, weekly swimming lesson at Gorlands Private Swimming Pool. We have availability for up to 10 children to be transported and taught by two qualified swimming instructors in the comfort of a relaxed family-run, establishment.
As a setting, Smart Kids works hard to build up links with the local community. From celebrating Harvest Festival with our local church and donating to the Salvation Army, to story times at the library and enjoying a fun-filled afternoon at our local residential care home. This assists the children with their understanding of cultural diversity and the importance of helping others within the community.