
People Who Help Us – Fire Service

Throughout October, Smart Kids has been focusing on the topic ‘People Who Help Us’. One of our key services is the Fire Service.

The children have loved learning how to put out pretend fires both inside and outside the nursery building, by using spray bottles full of water. Practitioners created fire using coloured shaving foam, as well as chalk on the outdoor decking.

The children were surprised and delighted when four members of the Fire Service later arrived in their fire engine! The two-year-old and Pre-School children were able to take a seat in the back of the fire engine, try on one of the big, heavy helmets and even squirt the real fire hoses! It was great fun!

Smart Kids would like to thank the Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service from Fulwood Fire Station for their time, and for making some great memories for the children.

Take a look at our gallery of photographs as the children learnt more about the Fire Service.

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